World Immunization Week 2024

Forty four years ago on May 8th 1980 the world declared its victory over one of the worst enemies humanity has faced.  Countless lives were snuffed out and countless more were maimed by smallpox but we came together and ended the sufferering.Between the 24th of April and the 30th of April is World Immunization Week. A World Health Organization (WHO) movement to bring awareness about vaccine preventable diseases. Sumner Health Centre carries many free and low cost vaccines for many common diseases and can order certian vaccines for travel (fees apply as most are not fully funded).If you have just turned 65 years old you can get a fully funded two part vaccine for shingles. Do not delay as this is not funded after your 66th birthday if you have not received the first vaccine.Please contact our nurses for more information or call our reception to book your vaccines.  

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